It’s almost GO TIME! I’m still catching up on writing reviews and How To articles from the last test at Chuckwalla Raceway on all the new changes to the bike, but next weekend it all gets real! It’s round one of CVMA racing, and my first race on an ultra lightweight race bike. I can’t wait! I still have some things to do to get ready, but the bike is mostly there for now. I still need to safety wire everything and make a radiator guard out of some extra steel mesh I have. I still need to install my map selector switch for my Bazzaz so I can test and tune with 2 different maps more easily. I still need to duct tape on some numbers since I don’t have graphics and paint done yet. I have my Penske rear shock sitting here, but the test ride with just the Traxxion damper rod kit and the stock rear shock went well enough that I’m going to race at least Saturday on that setup. I may install the shock Saturday night for Sunday’s races, we’ll see. I’ll be heading out to Chuckwalla Thursday evening and I’ll be there until Sunday afternoon. I hope to see some of you out there!
*picture borrowed from CVMA website, taken by CaliPhotography
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